North Carolina man declares drugs, weapons charges in Horry County

North Carolina man declares drugs, weapons charges in Horry County

Horry County, SC (WmbF) – A man from North Carolina will spend the next decade in prison.

The office of the 15th Circuit lawyer said that Travis Jackson, 31, of Tabor City, North Carolina, declared himself guilty on Wednesday of possession with the intention of distributing fentanil, possession with the intention of distributing methamphetamine and possession of a stolen firearm.

Travis Jackson
Travis Jackson(J. Reuben Long Detention Center)

The charges come from a Chase prosecutor, they said Jackson addressed the Horry County Police in August 2022.

During the short persecution, the prosecutors said that the officers saw Jackson throw a bag of pills that tested positive for methamphetamine, a bag of dust and a cup of brown thick material that tested positively by fentanil and an informed gun stolen from Columbus County, NC.

“The lawyer’s office wishes to thank the officers of the Division of Street Crimes of the Horry County Police Department for not only his work in this case, but for everything they do to help keep our county safe,” said David Beamer, the assistant lawyer who processed the case.

A judge sentenced Jackson for 10 years for each of his drug crimes and five years in prison for the position of firearm, and the sentences will be executed at the same time.

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