Kidney disease does not show most symptoms to the very late stages, when organs begin to fail
Throughout the world, it is estimated that 850 million people, who exceed 10 percent of the world’s population, are affected by some form of kidney disease, with a higher prevalence among older adults, women, racial minorities and individuals with diabetes or hypertension. However, most do not know they have it.
The kidneys do many important jobs, such as eliminating waste and additional liquid from your body, making red blood cells, keeping your strong bones and working to maintain the correct amount of minerals in the blood. Doctors say that while the only way of knowing if it has renal disease is to test, there are some shocking signs that can take into account.
Dryness and itching in the skin
If you have been experiencing excessive dryness in your skin and feeling too much with itching, it can be a sign of the mineral and bone disease that often accompanies advanced renal disease, or when the kidneys can no longer maintain the correct balance of minerals and nutrients in the blood.
Urine blood
When their kidneys are healthy, they keep blood cells in the body while filtering blood waste to create urine. However, when their filters are damaged, blood cells begin to leak in the urine, indicating an infection in their kidney or a tumor.
Swelling around the ankles or feet
When its renal function begins to decrease, it leads to sodium retention, which causes swelling and inflammation in its feet and ankles. According to doctors, it occurs due to excess water retention and is a sign of advanced kidney problems.
Extreme tiredness and fatigue
Experts say that for those who fight against kidney problems, sleep apnea becomes a general characteristic.
When the filters of their kidneys begin to damage, it accumulates more proteins in the urine, which allows nutrients to filter into the urine. Then create swelling around the eyes, which is due to the fact that their kidneys are dripping a large amount of protein in the urine instead of keeping it in the body.
Muscle cramps
Another important sign of the renal function that is lost are electrolytic imbalances, which cause a touch of severe muscle mainly in older people.