The Rubio Secretary of State says that Purge of Usaid, the complete programs, with 83% of the missing agency programs

The Rubio Secretary of State says that Purge of Usaid, the complete programs, with 83% of the missing agency programs

The USAID supporters said that the sweeping of the cuts made it difficult to know what efforts abroad really supports the Trump administration.

“The patterns that are emerging are that the Administration does not support democracy programs, do not support civil society … do not support NGO programs,” or health or emergency response, said Andrew Natsios, the USAID administrator of former Republican President George W. Bush.

“So what is left”? “Natsios asked.

A group of former American diplomats, national security figures and others condemned what he said was an opaque, partisan and hurried revision process and urged Congress to intervene.

“The facts show that the programs that save life were severely reduced, which puts millions of people in allied countries at risk of hunger, disease and death,” said Russia, China and other adversaries opportunities to gain influence abroad as American retreats, the group, the group, the global leadership coalition of the United States.

The Trump administration almost did not give details about the efforts of help and development abroad that it avoided, since the contractual end of mass aid to the help groups and other USAID partners for thousands of days before this month. The fast rhythm and the steps jumped at the end of the contracts, the USAID supporters left USAID challenging if there were a real review of the program by program.

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