(Update: Processed driver, court details)
Bles, Oregon (KTVZ)-a man of BLB was prosecuted on Monday by eight positions, including Duii, assault and imprudent driving in an accident of run over Friday night on Sw Century Drive who injured two pedestrians in a crosswalk, one seriously.
The BL Police responded shortly after 8 pm on Friday to Century Drive, near Cascade West Grub & Alehouse, in a report that two people who crossed the street were beaten by a car and the driver fled the scene, said Sheila Miller, police communications manager.
The officers arrived and found the two men of Bless, 37 years old and 35 years old. Both were taken by Bule Fire & Rescue Med to St. Charles Bend, one with injuries that threaten life.
While he was on stage, Stuart Daniel Heatter, 35, approached the police, whom Miller said he admitted to having been the driver who hit men. He told the police that his car was parked near, in the 1400 block of NW Davenport Avenue.
Miller told KTVZ News that the two pedestrians, apparently friends, walked east together at the crosswalk. She said the driver “initially left the scene, returned and walked (officers)” to the parked vehicle.
The initial formal charges filed against the heater on Monday included three serious crimes of class B and C: Third Degree Assault (DUII) and two charges of breach of the duties of a driver to the injured people, and five minor crimes of class A, two fourth grade assault positions, duii, imprudently imprudently another person and reckless driving.
The heater appeared in the video by video of the County of Deshuitos for the reading of charges on Monday. Initially he was arrested without bail waiting for charges.
Circuit judge Alycia Sykora set the bond at $ 10,000 and ordered the heater to install an ankle alcohol monitor before Tuesday, if she publishes 10 percent of the bond and I released. She said he should not have alcohol and not visit any bar or liquor.
The attached prosecutor of the District Mara Huck said that one of the two men who was beaten “bounced on the windshield, was thrown to 10 yards” and seriously injured. The other was beaten in the legs, suffering abrasions and bruises.
She said several witnesses saw the driver accelerate and leave. The police were at the scene taking photos and investigating when the heater returned and admitted to hitting the pedestrians, Houck said. She said he had “sent a text message to a friend, who said he returned, and did.”
The prosecutor said there were “some indications of deterioration” and a proven blood alcohol content of .05 or .06 BAC, below the legal limit of .08. She said “he admitted to four fireball shots (whiskey) at some point.”
While the heater has no known criminal record, Houck said that “his initial reaction to flee the scene was very worrying.”
Defensor lawyer Bryan Donahue argued that the heater is not a risk of escape, since he has a “good job with a local company” for about five years and that his parents had returned a vacation in Arizona to make sure he received support.
Sykora established the reading of charges in an expected accusation of the Grand Jury for April 15 at 9 am after the heater agreed to renounce the 30 -day requirement for an accusation after the arrest.
“I don’t care,” he said.
The Reconstruction of the BL police accident replied, and Century Drive closed between Albany and Simpson Avenue until 10:30 pm for stage investigation, said Miller.
He pointed out that state law requires a driver involved in an accident to “stop and stay detained, and turn on, if necessary.”