The Judges of the Upreme Court have increased the prison sentence of Karen Galaila Agustiawan, former president of the State holder company Replamina, which was convicted of corruption in relation to purchases of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) between 2001 and 2021, rejecting the appeals presented by Karen and the commission of eradication of corruption (KPK).
Judge President Dwiarso Budi Santiarto, together with Judges Siníntha Yuliansih Sibarani and Achmad Setyo Pujiharsoyo, decided to increase Karen’s punish He informed the position of self -information.
The bank also increased its fine at RP 650 million (US $ 39,279) or six additional prison months, of the FUL of RP 500 million imposed by the Yakarta Corruption Court.
In June 2024, Karen was convicted of corruption related to LNG purchases of the signing of the United States Corpus Christi Lquequefaction, based in Gregory, Texas, and incurring losses of RP 1.8 billion RP to the State, so the lower court sentenced it to nine years, less than the 11 years that KPK’s prosecutors demanded.
The Corruption Court also did not grant the demand for restitution of prosecutors to pay the losses incurred in the State, and instead ordered the Licuefaction of Corpus Christi to pay the $ 113 million that it obtained through the Agreement to the Indonesian Government.
KPK prosecutors argued that Karen, who directed Declamina from 2009 to 2014, won 1 billion RP and $ 104,016 in illicit profits of his decision to import LL through several foreign companies, which also benefited the US company.
Karen allegedly made the decision to avoid a projected national shortage of LNG between 2009 and 2040, prosecutors said, but did not carry out the due diligence for the agreement and reported the acquisition to the Board of Commissioners of Replacement.