Windsor woman guilty of possessing IS terrorist video

Windsor woman guilty of possessing IS terrorist video

A woman who applied to be a teacher at an Islamic Sunday school has been found guilty of possession of a terrorist document.

Dzhamilya Timaeva, 20, from Windsor, Berkshire, had a video of the Islamic State group encouraging viewers to carry out arson attacks on buildings and grounds, the Old Bailey heard.

However, the dental nurse was found not guilty of spreading terrorist publications.

He was released on bail before sentencing on March 7.

The video, titled Inciting Believers, encouraged attacks by “burning buildings, forests and agricultural land”, the court was told.

Timaeva considered it a “duty” of her Islamic faith to “wage war against non-believers,” prosecutors said.

However, at trial he denied supporting the Islamic State group or being a “terrorist”, stating that his fight was in defense of Chechnya.

She applied to teach at the Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Center in Maidenhead and was listed as a teacher at the Windsor Muslim Association, the jury was told.

Prosecutor Gareth Weetman claimed he printed a cartoon-style children’s booklet to “indoctrinate young minds” in his classes.

However, Timaeva was found not guilty of three counts of dissemination, while the jury was unable to reach a verdict on a fourth count.

Prosecutors later offered no evidence about the pending charges.

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