The FBI says it disrupted an alleged plot against the main offices of US pro-Israel organizations.

The FBI says it disrupted an alleged plot against the main offices of US pro-Israel organizations.

FBI Agents say they disrupted a possible plot to threaten or kill employees of a major U.S.-based pro-Israel organization before the first night of Hannukkahaccording to court documents reviewed by CBS News. A Gainesville, Florida, man is accused of attempting to travel to the South Florida offices of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on…

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Dangerous – RTL TV Program II

Dangerous – RTL TV Program II

Dangerous – RTL TV Program II Danke, dass du uns dabei unterstützt. To do this, you must deactivate the Ad-Blocker at auch ganz einfach: 1. Click the direction indicator towards the ad blocker symbol. 2. Watch the option “Deaktivieren auf:”. Dylan Forrester, an ex-Häftling mit Persönlichkeitsstörung, will be unauffällig bleiben. Doch als sein…

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