Japanese PM says blocking steel deal with US could affect investments

Japanese PM says blocking steel deal with US could affect investments

Japan’s Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said concerns about future investments should be taken seriously. Photo: JIJI PRESS / JIJI PRESS/AFPSource: AFP The Japanese prime minister on Monday urged Washington to allay concerns that a decision joe biden Blocking Nippon Steel’s acquisition of US Steel could affect future investments. The US President’s announcement last week cited…

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Group of fishermen protests against SC ruling on commercial fishing

Group of fishermen protests against SC ruling on commercial fishing

Members of the PAMALAKAYA fishermen’s group protested at the Department of Agriculture (DA) on Monday, condemning the Supreme Court’s (SC) decision to allow commercial fishing within 15 kilometers of municipal waters. The group accused the district attorney of failing to defend the preferential rights of small-scale fishermen over traditional fishing grounds. “Tahimik ang DA sa…

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TV moderator macht es öffentlich: Florian Silbereisen ist «schon lange» Single

TV moderator macht es öffentlich: Florian Silbereisen ist «schon lange» Single

Immer wieder heizen Beatrice Egli and Florian Silbereisen durch gemeinsame Bühnenauftritt die Gerüchteküche an, dass sie eine Beziehung haben könnten. Photo: dpa Sind Beatrice Egli and Florian Silbereisen ein Liebespaar? Kaum ein Beziehungsstatus im Showbusiness wurde in den letzten Jahren so often heiss diskutiert. Nun verriet eine TV-Moderatorin, era Sache ist. Kineine Zeit? blue News…

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