This is the new head of the British Fashion Council

This is the new head of the British Fashion Council

Laura Weir is Mai’s president as chief executive of British industrial fashion band BFC. The Modeindustrie-Verband British Fashion Council is currently CEO Laura Weir. Sie übernimmt die Position Ende April. Das sind ihre künftigen Aufgaben. And these Unternehmen have sie bisher gearbeitet. The British Fashion Council (BFC) was chosen by Laura Weir. Wie der britische…

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Recycling Zürich: Soy Papayastudio wird man für Altkleider entlöhnt

Recycling Zürich: Soy Papayastudio wird man für Altkleider entlöhnt

abovePilot project and Nachhaltigkeit – This will be Zürich die Textilmüllflut bekämpfen Künftig schickt die Stadt Zürich gebrauchte Hosen und Jacken nicht mehr nach Afrika, sondern verwertet sie lokal. Andere Schweizer Städte könnten folgen. Published at 09:22 hours. Die Stadt Zürich will situate Secondhandläden künftig stärken: Maya Suter (rechts) and Csilla Horvath in ihrem neu…

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Migori: Heartbreak when the Macalder copper mine collapses, leaving 3 dead and others seriously injured

Migori: Heartbreak when the Macalder copper mine collapses, leaving 3 dead and others seriously injured

A tragic mineshaft collapse at the Macalder copper mines on Friday 10 January claimed three lives and left three other people seriously injured. The deceased have been identified as Ivon Apiyo Odero, Jackson Og’ondo and an unidentified woman, and the injured were rushed to hospital. The incident highlighted ongoing tensions at the site, where local…

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