OSAKA – On March 19 of Osaka High Prosecuts, he decided not to accuse a local assistant prosecutor for accusations that they leaked research information to their superior accused of violating a subordinate.
The assistant prosecutor of the office of the prosecutors of the District of Osaka is due to four positions, including a violation of confidentiality in violation of the National Public Service Law and the defamation in relation to the case of sexual aggression, in which Kitaro Kitagawa, 65, former head of the same office, is accused of violating a subordinate woman.
The assistant prosecutor had joined a meeting attended by Kitagawa and the victim shortly before the alleged sexual assault. Subsequently, the woman filed a complaint against the assistant prosecutor for filtering investigation information to Kitagawa.
The Osaka High Public Prosecutor’s Office explained that the assistant prosecutor “agreed to the information (of investigation) that was not in service but in a private capacity”, to deny his law constituted a violation of the National Public Service Law. Regarding the charges of defamation, the office of prosecutors declared that “the information was not transmitted to a large number of people not specified, and the assistant prosecutor was not aware of that either.”
Meanwhile, the public prosecutor’s office recognized that the assistant prosecutor shared information about the victim with third parties, among other languages and inappropriate behaviors, and revealed that he had admonished the prosecutor for disciplinary reasons.
Tsunekazu Kobashi, Deputy Superintendent Prosecutor of the Office of Public Prosecutors of Osaka High, commented: “We have taught a strict punishment against the assistant prosecutor for his behavior that undermined confidence in tax organizations.”
A lawyer who represents the woman published a comment by saying: “She is suffering secondary damage due to the discourse and behavior of the assistant prosecutor. It is unacceptable that they have retired charges against the prosecutor and simply admonished them. It was an indulgent punishment for privileged information.”
(Original Japanese from Shunsuke Takara, news department of the city of Osaka)